
Want to know some quick tips on how to assist with fainting?

The Science Part

When a casualty faints it is caused by a reduction in oxygenated blood to the brain. This is caused by the blood vessels in the lower part of the body dilating, and the blood rushing downwards to fill the extra space (this might make the ‘legs feel like jelly’).

Someone might faint due to lack of food, dehydration, standing still for a long time, or exhaustion.

Fainting is extremely common, and is therefore something we should prepare ourselves for. In children, as little as 1 in 100 may faint as a result of fear or pain.  However in direct contrast, by the age of 40, 95 out of 100 people had fainted at least once (it becomes more common with age).

Is fainting more common if you have fainted before?

Approximately one in three people who have fainted are more likely to again within a three-year period. So the more someone faints, the more likely they are to do it again.

Naturally, people who faint are at considerable risk of injury when they fall to the ground. Almost one-third of people who have fallen as a result of fainting, suffer minor bruises or cuts afterward. People may fracture a bone or could cause an accident while driving, though this is a lot less common.

It is important that a healthcare professional investigates the cause, to rule out any possible heart conditions.

Possible Signs and Symptoms:

  • Dizziness and passing out
  • Feeling sick
  • Momentary lack of consciousness, leading to collapse


  • Elevate the casualty’s legs to restore a good blood supply back to the head
  • Keep the casualty warm
  • If the casualty remains unconscious for more than a few seconds, treat as unconsciousness by placing the casualty in the recovery position


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1 Comment

Marilyn Ferguson · April 3, 2019 at 9:38 am

Thanks for Ins and Outs of Fainting. Helpful in identifying the difference between fainting time span and extreme concern. Positioning of Patient at immediate response – Step I – 2.

Regards M Ferguson

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