
Estimated Reading Time 5 Minutes

Whether you celebrate Easter, enjoy the long weekend or simply enjoy some extra chocolate at this time of year, we wanted to share some potentially life-saving information with you.

Mini eggs – these treats are a very serious choking hazard.

We often flash back to one horrified mother’s experience that was all over social media at the time.

Despite her very recent and up-to-date first aid training, she was unable to save her daughter when choking on one of these sweets.

The heartbroken mother urged that ‘If your children enjoy these chocolate treats please watch them extra close and remind them to sit down whilst eating them or avoid them altogether. She adds that although she will never be able to discontinue this popular treat, that ‘…getting parents to be extra vigilant is the best I can do, please watch your babies’. 

One of the most heart-wrenching parts of this story, is that her child Sophie was 5 when she choked on one of these sweets. No longer a baby or experiencing difficulty in eating, her mother didn’t suspect the danger.

The Child Accident Prevention Trust has also shared three ways to make Mini Eggs safer for small children:

  • Hide them from the children and eat them yourself – good luck with that!
  • Put the mini eggs into a sealable plastic bag and smash them into small pieces with a rolling pin, or crush them in a pestle and mortar.
  • Opt for a different treat. Larger, hollow eggs are much safer for little ones.

They also recommend that, in any case, parents should stay with children at all times while they’re eating, and get them to sit as still as possible.

How can we be more vigilant with choking?

When a casualty is choking, it is important that the first aider takes quick assertive action to prevent the situation from becoming worse.

People choke more commonly on food, but might also choke on small objects such as pen lids. When a casualty’s airway is completely blocked, it will be distressing. The casualty is likely to panic and may clutch at their neck.

What to do:

Ask the casualty firmly whether they are choking. The casualty that is choking severely will be unable to talk or cough. Assertively encourage the casualty to cough. If this does not clear the obstruction, shout for help while you:

  1. Give 5 back blows. Stand to the side and slightly behind the casualty. Supporting the chest with one hand, lean the casualty forward. Give up to five back blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of your other hand.
  2. If unsuccessful, give up to 5 abdominal thrusts. Standing behind the casualty, put both arms round the upper part of their abdomen. Leaning the casualty forward, clench your fist and place it above the navel. Grasping the hand with your other handon pull sharply inwards and upwards, repeating up to five times.

If the obstruction has still not cleared, continue giving alternating back blows and abdominal thrusts.

If the casualty becomes unconscious:
  • Support the casualty to the ground while maintaining your own safety
  • Dial 999 for an ambulance, if not already done
  • Start basic life support, by giving 30 chest compressions, followed by 2 rescue breaths
  • Check the mouth before breaths to see if you have cleared the obstruction, but do not sweep the mouth with your finger if you do not see anything

NOTE: Following successful treatment for choking, the casualty may have other complications such as persistent coughing, difficulty swallowing, or a sensation of an object still being stuck in the throat. If this is the case, you should seek medical attention. Furthermore, abdominal thrusts can cause serious internal injuries and all casualties receiving abdominal thrusts should be examined by a doctor.

Find this article useful? Please share on your chosen social platform to spread awareness on how to effectively help a choking casualty!

Let’s keep Easter sweet this year!


Natalie Gibson

Natalie is a part of the team at SkillBase First Aid. She loves telling stories about how normal people become 'Superheroes on Standby' when they have completed a confidence-building SkillBase First Aid Training Course!

1 Comment

David L · March 1, 2019 at 6:37 pm

useful reminder, thanks.

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