
The nights are drawing in and it’s getting chilly, so it’s time to dig out the big coat!

You might be wrapping up with your gloves and scarves, or celebrating with some tasty food whilst watching a colourful light display.

The last thing you’ll probably be thinking about is fire safety, for instance, how you’d treat a burn.

A brief and informative summary on how to treat burns in an emergency. Reading time 3 minutes.

Burns can be caused by all kinds of sources. But at this time of year, when the sky is lit up most Saturday evenings, we want you to be up to speed on burns caused by fire.


What would you do in an emergency?

Pensioners and infants are most at risk; especially if burns involve the airways, or if they cover a large area of the body. Regardless of the cause, they usually require the same treatment.


How to Treat a Burn with ‘SCALDS’:



Remove the heat source if possible.





Cool the burn, ideally under cold or lukewarm running water, for at least 20 minutes. Keep the person warm to avoid hypothermia.




If the burn is very deep or covers a large area call 999 while the burn is being cooled. Call 111 for advice if you are unsure.




Remove or loosen unstuck objects only. Do not remove anything that is stuck to or touching the burn, as this is likely to cause damage.




Dress the burn using a burns dressing, a clean clear plastic bag, or cling film in a single non-constructive layer.




Look out for signs of, and treat shock, which might be caused by fluid loss.


Here’s a handy top tip for you…

Bonfire night first aid




And it’s that simple! Remember to practice ‘SCALDS’ in the event of any burns emergency. But most importantly, have fun!


If you want to find out more, read the SkillBase First Aid™ Guide to Burns.

You can also visit the Skillbase First Aid™ Store to see our selection of treatments for burns. They’re ideal to keep in your first aid kit, home or car.

Please share with your colleagues, friends and family, using the icons below 🙂


Richard is the Founder at SkillBase and Author of the SkillBase First Aid and Fundamental Wellbeing Series of Courses


sharon smith · November 2, 2018 at 10:13 am

Great post – nice and simple and I like the 3C’s – shared!

Laura · November 2, 2018 at 4:54 pm

Lovely post simple and clear

Gladys Ubah · November 2, 2018 at 6:41 pm

Thanks for sharing, Very good to know.

Y Gascoyne · November 2, 2018 at 9:05 pm

Great quick tips thank you Had to use this with a female that picked up a pair hot hair straighteners then got told to put cream on to stop blisters appearing ?

Kimina · November 3, 2018 at 2:25 pm

Really useful and timely reminder – thank s!

Aimee Spiers · October 21, 2019 at 11:56 am

Thank you 🙂

Jill · October 25, 2019 at 9:51 am

Great quick reminder, thank you.

Yaovi Apetovi · October 25, 2019 at 11:55 am

Good to see you hear, and am to be reminded that am a first aider and should be ready at all times to help if there is a need. Thank you

Carole · October 31, 2019 at 1:13 pm

Thank you for this timely reminder, the sparkler/carrot is a great idea!

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