
Just like everything else in the world, First Aid Courses have a sell by date. There is no use buying a lifetime supply of bread and expecting that to go the distance – and First Aid Courses are no different.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

So, firstly, why do First Aid Training courses expire?

I know what you’re thinking:

  • ‘Utter rubbish!’
  • ‘Why do I need to pay for training again?’
  • ‘This is just like another passport charge or driving licence fee’

But there is a good reason First Aid Training expires:

Anyone in First Aid knows that, just like education, there will be updates. There will always be better ways to educate people, with new methods, and more effective ways of learning. Like OFSTED are to schools, First Aid companies also have to be mindful of suggested changes by HSE (Health and Safety Executive) and make sure our training is in line with this.

The main reasons that our course certificates will expire is because:

  1. We may not be as confident as before and need to brush up on our skills (did you know, with all of our first aid courses we offer free annual updates? These are great at polishing skills you have already learned)
  2. There may be new methods which have replaced our outdated ones – for instance CPR methods.

Okay, so how long does First Aid Training last before expiry?

Regardless of which course you attend, whether that be a half-day course or three-day course, these all have the same life span. Each first aid course expires three years after their certificate issue date. However, the HSE encourage delegates to attend refresher courses every year. Not all providers offer this as standard on their courses, so sometimes it may be worth looking at companies that do (like us!)

Interested in what we do?
You can see our range of courses right here. But if you’d prefer to have a chat with a member of our team, you can call us on 0330 335 1234.


Categories: First Aid Blog


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