First Aid at Home
SkillBase First Aid’s blog posts and pages relating to First Aid for Home
SkillBase First Aid’s blog posts and pages relating to First Aid for Home
Why Are Heart Attacks More Common on a Monday? Most of us don’t like Mondays, but did you know they could actually be bad for your heart? Dr Amir Khan, a well-known GP and TV doctor, recently shared some eye-opening insights into when heart attacks are most likely to happen Read more…
The second Saturday in September is World First Aid Day! First aid is often the difference between life and death in emergency situations, bridging the crucial gap between the occurrence of an accident or sudden illness and the arrival of professional medical help. World First Aid Day aims to raise Read more…
The SkillBase First Aid Guide to Heat Exhaustion & Heat Stroke – would you know what to do? When we become hot, we sweat – leading to loss of water and salt which can make us very unwell. First Aid training courses may teach you how to deal with most Read more…
After what seemed like such a long winter, it’s so lovely to have the sun on the horizon! The summer holiday season is just around the corner. For some of us, this means jetting off to an exotic place in the sun. For others, their perfect summer holiday is an Read more…
Head injuries are always a concern, especially for a trained first aider. From frequent bumps and tumbles as children to slips and falls as adults – they are so common. But how do we go about treating someone for a head injury that is more severe? It isn’t something we Read more…
It’s a common one. You need First Aid Training, but how long is this going to take you? How many days of annual leave will you need (or days out of the office) for you to get up to speed? Let’s break this down… Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Like Read more…
People fall and in injure themselves all the time. More often than not, they dust themselves down, laugh it off and carry on. But what if they have seriously hurt themselves, and more importantly, how can we tell? Reading Time: 5 minutes. If a casualty has an injury to their Read more…
…Would you be able to find it? If it was the middle of the night and you were waiting for the emergency services to arrive, how easily would they find you? How clearly signed is your house? Is there even a sign with your house name or number visible? We Read more…
You’ve tried Calpol, you’ve tried extra blankets, alongside a concoction of over the counter remedies – but nothing seems to be working. The doctor says it’s a virus, so there is nothing more they can prescribe and to ‘keep doing what you’re doing’… But you have a gut feeling that Read more…