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The Rising Risk of Meningitis for University Freshers

As September is well under way, excitement and nerves rise for students embarking on their university journey. However, with the new term also comes an increased risk of meningitis, a serious and potentially deadly infection. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is urging students to ensure they are up to […]

Prioritising Your Wellbeing with Our Self-Care Guide

At our core, we believe wellbeing encompasses both physical and mental health. When someone is in need—whether due to a physical injury or a mental health challenge—our goal is to equip individuals with essential life-saving skills. Our first aid and mental health training courses are designed to empower people to […]

World First Aid Day – Our top free guides!

The second Saturday in September is World First Aid Day! First aid is often the difference between life and death in emergency situations, bridging the crucial gap between the occurrence of an accident or sudden illness and the arrival of professional medical help. World First Aid Day aims to raise […]

Diabetes Awareness & First Aid Tips

Did you know that there are over 5 million people with Diabetes in the UK (equivalent to more than 1 in 14 people)? The majority of these are living with type 2 diabetes, with the number of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes having almost doubled in the last 15 […]

Restart a Heart Day

Restart a Heart Day campaign is observed on the 16th of October every year with the aim to encourage more people to learn CPR and life-saving skills through first aid training.  Emergencies happen. On ordinary days, for ordinary people, life can change in a heartbeat. Imagine that you had absolutely […]

SkillBase First Aid Guide to Heat Exhaustion & Heat Stroke

The SkillBase First Aid Guide to Heat Exhaustion & Heat Stroke – would you know what to do? When we become hot, we sweat – leading to loss of water and salt which can make us very unwell. First Aid training courses may teach you how to deal with most […]

SkillBase First Aid Guide to Stings & Bites

Do you know the best treatment? Most of us in our life will have been bitten or stung by an insect or bug. In most cases they are minor, causing just general discomfort. However, some stings are more serious and can even involve poisoning. Multiple stings, or those causing anaphylactic […]

SkillBase First Aid Guide to Drowning

If someone were drowning, would you know what to do? When we become submerged in water, it can enter the lungs and cause suffocation. It should be noted that even after a water rescue, a casualty is still at risk, even if they appear to have recovered. Even a small […]

SkillBase First Aid Guide to Seizures, Fits & Epilepsy

Epilepsy Awareness Week takes place from 23rd-29th May 2022 this year. It can be really traumatic to witness someone having a seizure. But it can be even more traumatic when you don’t know what to do… What are seizures? Seizures or fits are most commonly associated with epilepsy. As a […]

SkillBase First Aid Guide to Strokes

We have all seen the stroke adverts on what to look out for, haven’t we? But how confident are you when it comes to recognising and assisting someone experiencing a stroke?   Did You know? Around 150,000 people in the UK suffer a stroke each year. They are most common […]

National Heart Month – Keeping your Heart Healthy!

February is National Heart Month!  To mark National Heart Month we wanted to share our expertise on heart health. Including first aid for heart attacks, heart conditions, and how to keep your heart healthy!  Fun Facts! Your heart will beat about 100,000 times each day. Your heart is the strongest […]

Bonfire Night: Oooh, Ahhh, OUCH!

The nights are drawing in and it’s getting chilly, so it’s time to dig out the big coat! You might be wrapping up with your gloves and scarves, or celebrating with some tasty food whilst watching a colourful light display. The last thing you’ll probably be thinking about is fire […]

Top 10 Healthy Heart Tips for World Heart Day

World Heart Day is celebrated each year on the 29th of September. With this in mind, we look at our top 10 healthy heart tips.   The heart is part of your body’s circulatory system. It’s made up of the atria, ventricles, valves, various arteries and veins. The main function […]

How to Do CPR!

Every year in the UK 30,000 people experience a cardiac arrest with 80% of those experiencing a cardiac arrest in the home. This means it could be family members or friends, and if we don’t act quickly enough, they could die within minutes. Many deaths could be prevented if first […]

How to use a defibrillator – a real life guide and why there’s no need to be scared to use one.

Defibs (sometimes called Automated External Defibrillators or AEDs) are increasingly becoming available in workplaces and the community (public access defibrillation). With so many more AED’s available, it’s a great idea for everyone to know how to use a defibrillator. This guide will give you a free overview of how to […]

Mental Health & Crisis Support – Contact Details To Get Help

A mental health crisis can mean different things. It generally means when someone’s health worsens to the point where they need urgent help from professional services, for example: Severe influence of substances. Severe self-harm needing assistance. Need for physical first aid or medical help. Extraordinarily anxious or panic attack. Paranoia, […]

Guide To First Aid Training for Schools

When working in a school, it can be really tough to know what you need – as each school’s requirements may differ to another. There is no black or white answer when it comes to school first aid training – but we are going to break this down in the […]

Five Facts We Should All Know About Sepsis.

Five Facts We Should All Know About Sepsis. Sepsis is the name for blood poisoning, and is a serious complication of an infection. It is not understood why, but it occurs when the immune system overreacts and attacks a person’s organs and tissues. Sepsis can be treated successfully with antibiotics […]

Free Printable Summer Holiday Family First Aid Guide

After what seemed like such a long winter, it’s so lovely to have the sun on the horizon! The summer holiday season is just around the corner. For some of us, this means jetting off to an exotic place in the sun. For others, their perfect summer holiday is an […]

Head Injuries, Concussion and Compression

Head injuries are always a concern, especially for a trained first aider. From frequent bumps and tumbles as children to slips and falls as adults – they are so common. But how do we go about treating someone for a head injury that is more severe? It isn’t something we […]

How Long Does First Aid Training Take?

It’s a common one. You need First Aid Training, but how long is this going to take you? How many days of annual leave will you need (or days out of the office) for you to get up to speed? Let’s break this down… Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Like […]

Workplace First Aid Signs- Some we made earlier!

If there’s one thing we know about workplaces – it’s that not everyone is fully aware of their surroundings. It doesn’t matter how long you have sat in the same chair, stared out of the same window, or bought lunch from the same shop every single day – very few […]

Picking over the bones of injuries…

People fall and in injure themselves all the time. More often than not, they dust themselves down, laugh it off and carry on. But what if they have seriously hurt themselves, and more importantly, how can we tell? Reading Time: 5 minutes. If a casualty has an injury to their […]

Workplace First Aid Kits: Your Contents Checklist

Our first aid training team visit workplaces up and down the country to run courses. We’re often asked to have a look at workplace first aid kits to see if they are up to scratch. It’s surprising how many times we find an old ice-cream tub on the top of […]

SkillBase First Aid Compliance- Our Promise

When it comes to compliance, we want to keep this as simple as possible. Struggling to make your First Aid Needs selection? It can be pretty confusing from company to company. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Let’s get up to speed… In October 2013, the Health and Safety […]

First Aid for Diabetes – Free Certified eCourse

Did you know that there are over 4.9 million people with Diabetes in the UK and it is estimated that around 850,000 people are currently living with type 2 Diabetes but are yet to be diagnosed. Diabetes is a medical condition where someone is unable to control the blood sugar […]

SkillBase First Aid Guide to Meningitis & Free Poster

Even the mention of the word Meningitis can spark fear into people. It’s an awful disease that can lead to long term complications, and sadly in some cases death. That’s why it’s so important that everyone knows the signs and symptoms – not just first aiders. Although there are ‘at […]

SkillBase First Aid Guide to Anaphylaxis & Free Poster

Anaphylaxis or Anaphylactic Shock is a severe allergic reaction. It is caused when the immune system has an overreaction to an allergen. An allergen is a trigger and might include foods, such as dairy products, nuts or seafood, medication, latex or insect stings. Almost anything can be an allergen. A […]

SkillBase First Aid Guide to Asthma & Free Poster

There are nearly 6 million people in the UK with asthma. Although management and treatment of asthma is very good, we should not forget that it is a life threatening condition. Over 1,500 people die in the UK of asthma each year. When an asthmatic is exposed to a trigger, […]

Empowering Your Team to Become Superheroes on Standby! Free Posters

Often when we speak to clients, they tell us that they struggle to find volunteers to become first aiders. This always seems odd to us, but then again we are super-passionate about giving people confidence to save lives – it’s what we do! It’s not until we speak to delegates […]

It’s a sign! How to easily spot a defib

It’s a race against time when someone stops breathing. If good basic life support is given, and a defib is used within 3-5 minutes of cardiac arrest, survival chances increase from 6% to a whopping 74%!  Knowing where the nearest defib is, and being able to get to it in […]

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We're on a mission to fill the UK with heroes-on-standby. First Aiders trained in a way that gives them confidence, not just competence.

There's lots to do. Lets get started.

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