If you’ve started your research on becoming a First Aid Instructor, you’ll have no doubt already found loads of information about train the trainer courses out there.
We admit it can be a bit overwhelming looking at the qualifications needed to become a first aid trainer!
This no-nonsense guide will let you know everything you need to know about pre-requisites, laid down by the big-wigs at the HSE. Plus, what to do if you don’t have the qualifications on the list.
Step One: You’ll need a valid First Aid or Medical Qualification.
To be super clear, you will only need one from this list:
- A current, valid First Aid at Work certificate. This is either by having attended a three day First Aid at Work Course, or having initially attended a three-day course and then having requalified with a two day First Aid Requalification course.
- Registered and licensed as a doctor with the General Medical Council
- Current registration as a nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (with a valid PIN)
- Current registration as a paramedic with the Health and Care Professions Council
Top tip: If your certificate says Emergency First Aid at Work this is usually the one day course, and is not accepted. If you do not currently have a First Aid at Work qualification, you can gain one from any HSE Compliant provider .Of course we think you’d be best attending one of ours as it’s a great opportunity to see how we like to do things a little differently to boost the confidence of first aiders
Step Two: You’ll need a formal teaching or training qualification:
There’s quite a long list of what is accepted here. But, if you don’t have any of these, don’t panic – we can help you there too!
These days first aid courses don’t need to have external assessors, so the trainer is responsible for both teaching and assessing. This list shows all of those qualifications that allow you to do both:
- Cert Ed, PGCE, B Ed, M Ed
- English National Board 998
- Further and Adult Education Teacher’s Certificate
- IHCD Instructional Methods
- IHCD Instructor Certificate
- Nursing mentorship qualifications
- PTLLS with unit ‘Principles and Practice of Assessment’
- S/NVQ level 3 in training and development
- S/NVQ level 4 in training and development
- Level 3 Award in Education & Training
- Level 4 Certificate in Education & Training
- Level 5 Diploma in Education & Training
No Qualification? No Problem!
We can add a Level 3 Award in Education & Training to your course (or of course you can study elsewhere).
Our L3 course is studied online, with full tutor support should you need it. You get three months to complete, so there is no rush! Here are the details.
Top tip: You can still qualify as a First Aid Instructor if you are ‘working towards’ these qualification, so as long as you are enrolled and working towards it.. you are good to go!
Step 3: You’ll Need ‘an in-depth knowledge of the subject of first aid and first-aid training’.
This one is a bit trickier. It’s the wording from the HSE, and it’s not very clear how to qualify this. This is where our First Aid Instructor Principles and Practice course comes in.
We run these courses a little differently, as they have been designed all-around confidence.
You will join a small group of other trainee instructors. One of our trainers will run a relaxed and friendly workshop for you.
You’ll get to see a range of training skills and techniques, and have an informal practice to make sure you’re comfortable.
The Trainer will guide you through tips and pointers, and fully discuss the options available to you to keep your training compliant, and make sure you know everything you need to know about the many rules and regulations set out by the relevant authorities.
SkillBase First Aid are experts in delivering fresh, confidence building First Aid Instructor courses. For more information, dates or make your booking call us on 0330 335 1234, or click here.
In our next part we’ll look at how to be confident when training a new subject. Any questions in the meantime, post in the comments below or drop us a line! If you’d like to jump there now, here is the link!
1 Comment
Richard Craddock · June 20, 2018 at 5:07 pm
Great work Jonny! Really useful article